Contribute to a better climate with CO2 neutral transport

By launching its Net Zero Carbon programme, Withofs Bulk Logistics actively contributes to the reduction of CO₂ in transport and logistics. In addition to the continuous reduction of its own CO₂ emissions, the company now offers its customers solutions for reducing the CO₂ footprint of their supply chain.

 Withofs is aware of its social responsibility to help reduce CO₂ emissions. And the next (logical) step is to involve customers in this by offering customers the opportunity to reduce their own CO₂ footprint. To achieve this, Withofs invests in international CO₂ compensation projects that, for example, combat deforestation and / or realize the planting of new trees. The emission credits obtained are in accordance with the highest international standards. By paying a small extra contribution as a customer, Withofs can fully compensate the impact of its services, hereby obtaining 100% carbon neutral transport.

Withofs is even preparing to go the extra mile: we are also actively reducing our own emissions through a combination of investments in new equipment and the use of state-of-the-art bio fuels. To benchmark our reduction targets, we use the Paris Climate Agreement. In this agreement the carbon reduction needed to limit climate change to max. 1.5°C has been established.

Because of this effort, Withofs is preparing to lead the way to a 1.5°C world (SBTi) and become a pioneer and climate front-runner in the transport industry.

Want to know more? Contact us!

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