Party at Withofs

Last weekend we had a barbecue with the team of Withofs. It was also a special moment because it was the official opening of the new offices. With a speech of owner Gino Withofs and managing director Marc Koenders we started off the evening. 

Together with our truckdrivers we had a little party. It was a great moment to catch up with everybody and for the new drivers a great moment to get to know each other. 

This is what Withofs stands for: one big family where everybody feels at ease. People is our capital so that's why we organise these kind of events. To make the whole team feel at home. To bring everybody together and have a good time. 

If you want to be a part of this amazing team, make sure you get in touch with us. We will welcome you and guide you in your start here at the company. The future is bright, we are investing to be better on a daily basis. To go that extra mile, that's what counts! 

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À l'honneur​​​​​​​


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